Our curriculum is values based. Individualised learning is central, with a focus on successful transitional pathways. The Key Competencies are integrated throughout our values. Our values stated below are promoted, modelled, and explored on a daily basis by all students, staff and Board of Trustees.
Tū Pono
Knowing one’s identity, abilities and talents
Strong self-efficacy
Mana motuhake
Key Competency: Managing Self
Manaaki and Awhi
Respectful of self, others and the environment
Strong relationships
Tolerant and accepting of others
Skilled communicators
Key Competency: Relating to Others
A sense of belonging and connection to their community
Participating and engaging in learning
Building caring and inclusive learning communities
Mana whenua
Key Competency: Participating and Contributing
Wairua Auaha –
Wairua Uiui
Learning through innovation, inquiry and curiosity
Critical, creative and reflective thinkers
Challenging ourselves and others
Key Competency: Thinking
Learning through reciprocity
A valued student voice
Key Competency: Understanding Language, Symbols & Text